Materials such as molecules and bulks consist of electrons and nuclei, and the governing equation for the system
has been already known as i.e., the Dirac equation formulated by Dirac in 1928. If the equation were solved
exactly, chemical and physical properties of the system would be predicted before performing actual experiments
in principle, which is one of ultimate goals in materials science.
However, this is not possible except for very simple systems, since the computational cost for
solving the equation in a numerically exact sense may scale as O(eN), where N is
the number of electrons in a system.
An efficient way for practically solving the equation, balancing the computational accuracy and efficiency,
is the density functional theory (DFT) founded by Hohenberg and Kohn in 1964, and the Kohn-Sham equation developed
by Kohn and Sham in 1965.
We are also interested in an interdisciplinary area briding computational science and
information science to address an inverse problem on material design, while our activity
towards the direction is still on the drawing board.
We are convinced that the computer-aided materials science will become
more and more important for not only fundamental researches, but also industrial researches in the near future.
We devote our efforts to extend frontiers of the computer-aided materials science by integrating a wide variety of
research areas including physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science so that the first-principle computer
simulations can be established as an invaluable tool for further development of materials science.